board of directors

At the JWNSF's 2019 year-end board meeting, the following board of directors was elected for a new 5-year term for 2020-2025. These incredibly giving individuals constantly invest their time and energy, ever committed to forwarding the young high school seniors in their educational pursuits. We thank each and every member of our board, and all of our volunteers, for their tireless support of the foundation.

Myrtle Nunn was been member of the Stamford community for over 25 years, working for Stamford’s Health Department as a school nurse. Myrtle is a mother of three and a grandmother of three. After the accidental death of her son, co-founded this foundation in 2006 in his memory. She is also a graduate of the Parent Leadership Training Institute of Stamford (PLTI) in 1999, and has her BSN, SN, and Master in Holistic Thinking. Myrtle has been the foundation's President since the 2014 elections.

Ana Gallegos is the founder of Campamento Manuela in her hometown of Cuenca, Ecuador. Her dedication to academic advancement and enrichment doesn’t stop there. As a PLTI Graduate and former President of the Alumni Association, she has dedicated her time, volunteering with Stamford Dollars for Scholars and Neighbors Link. She has worked with UCONN-PEP as a facilitator and on the REACH Prep program helping Latino and African American students. Ana holds a BA in Educational Psychology and an Associate in Teaching Elementary Education. Ana was elected Vice President beginning with the 2018 Board.

Angie Murphy is a wife and mother of three children. Presently she works full-time and is employed with the City of Stamford as an Office Support Specialist in the Human Resources Department. A former PLTI Alimni President, Angie has always been a strong advocate for parental involvement and the value of quality education, something that guides her work with the Foundation. Angie has served as Secretary since 2014.

Rev. David Greene started volunteering as a child fundraising for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. His first job was working on the Grant writing team of a $14 million nonprofit that oversees group homes, afterschool programs, charter schools, and student-oriented supports. He joined the board of the Joseph W. Nunn Scholarship Foundation in 2007, the Board of the Katy Lions Foundation in 2020, and the Board of Cane Island Katy Inc. in 2023. He also served as Information Chair for Lions District 2-S2 from 2021-2022, Marketing Chair for Lions District 2-S4 for 2023, and chairs the Greeter Team for First Christian Church Katy (Disciples of Christ).

Eden Huang resides in Stamford with her husband and they have 2 daughters. She had been a board member of JWNSF since its inception. Eden also sits in the board (design team) of Stamford PLTI (Parent Leadership Training Institute. Organizations that she had been a past board member were: School Readiness Council, OCA, CLS (Chinese Language School), SPEF (Stamford Public Education Foundation), PTOs, and others. She is active in her church and volunteers in numerous community activities and organizations.

Joeseph Nunn served as the Board Chairman of the Urban League of Southern Connecticut for five years, where his sage advice and guidance resulted in the organization becoming a better advocate to empower all impoverished people regardless of race or background. He has a BS. in Business from the University of Arkansas – Little Rock, and an MBA. from Marquette University. Joseph is married with three children, three grandchildren, and resides in Stamford, CT with his wife and co-founder, Myrtle. Joe served as the Treasurer for 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Anu Hooja is a wife and mother of three children.  She works in Technology for the City of Stamford, CT, and she is a fomer PLTI Graduate and Alumni President. 

Our Mission Statement: Through the granting of scholarships and awards, we inspire, encourage and support Stamford students in their pursuit of college, graduate and vocational education.